Curriculum Intent
At Safe Start School, our aim is to provide a curriculum that is meaningful, personalised and engaging. A curriculum that is fully inclusive of all learning needs and abilities, that supports pupils to develop the skills and strategies needed to access learning and removing any barriers that they may have.
Pupils will leave Safe Start School with certificates and qualifications that recognise their achievements, supporting their next steps at college or on their chosen pathways. Our aims are as follows:
Solid Understanding of Mathematical Principles: Pupils will gain a robust understanding of mathematical concepts and processes.
Problem-Solving Abilities: Pupils will develop their problem-solving skills, enabling them to approach challenges with confidence and creativity.
Relevance in Everyday Life: Pupils will appreciate the importance of maths and English in everyday contexts, understanding how they apply to real-world situations.
Fostering a Love of Learning: develop a love for learning and a curiosity about the world, helping learners develop a lifelong passion for reading, writing, and communication and a subject they excel in.
Building Foundations: Establish strong foundations enabling learners to access the next level of learning.
Improved Speaking, listening and communication skills.
Qualifications and Confidence: Pupils will leave school with qualifications in Maths, English, Digital Skills and ASDAN awards as well as an increased confidence in their abilities.
At Safe Start School, we understand that all our pupils need consistent and supportive people in their lives to feel safe and happy in their environment, therefore our focus is on building secure relationships to help them succeed and access a curriculum that will prepare them for life after Safe Start School. To implement this, we offer a primary model. This mean that all pupils will have a consistent classroom, teacher and mentor, helping to build secure, respectful and professional relationships and the familiarity and security of their classroom environment.
The primary Model
Secure relationships
Structure and routine
Visual timetables
Personal Logins for Doodle and BKSB: Each pupil will have personal logins for Doodle and BKSB to use both at school and at home, providing independent and targeted intervention.
Positive Reinforcement: Use praise and nurturing techniques to build self-esteem and confidence among pupils.
Teaching Strategies
CPA Approach: Pupils will be taught through a variety of teaching strategies, including the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach.
Quality Resources: We utilise quality resources from NCFE and WhiteRose Maths to support Functional Skills and National Curriculum pathways.
1:1 Interventions: Pupils will have access to weekly one-on-one interventions to address individual needs and secure learning.
Cross-Curricular Opportunities: Teachers will seek opportunities to secure learning through cross-curricular links.
Scaffolding and role modelling: Pupils will have clear step by step demonstrations to promote confidence, secure learning and enable independent learning.
Classroom Environment
High Pupil to Adult Ratio: With up to 6 pupils per class, and each class having a teacher and a mentor, each pupil will have access to adult support throughout each lesson.
Working Walls: Each classroom will have regularly updated working walls to support and embed current learning.
The impact of our curriculum will be measured through a combination of formative and summative assessments as follows:
Initial Assessments: At the start of the academic year, pupils will be assessed using BKSB and/or Doodle. Paper-based assessments will be available if preferred.
Termly Assessments: Summative assessments will take place at the end of each term to measure progress and inform planning and interventions for the next half term.
Formative Assessments: Pupils will be formatively assessed throughout each lesson using the marking policy and regular in-lesson Q&A sessions. At the end of each unit, pupils will take a quiz or knowledge check to measure the impact of teaching and learning in that unit.
Examinations: When pupils are ready, in agreement with parents/carers and relevant external professionals, they will be able to sit exams and gain qualifications such as GCSEs and Functional Skills (EL1-L2), with Level 2 being equivalent to a GCSE.
Termly Pupil Progress Meetings: Using assessment data, teachers will meet with the Curriculum Lead to discuss strengths and weaknesses and targeted interventions/stretch and challenge activities for the pupil and term ahead.
Regularly reviewed IEPs: Teachers will meet with the SENCo to discuss achievable targets and strategies to support pupil progress.
School Self Evaluations: Teachers will have weekly meetings with the Curriculum Lead to share strengths and weakness of teaching and learning and identify areas for CPD and improvements/support.
Learning Walks
Book Looks
Pupil Engagement
Pupil Voice
Parental/Guardian Feedback
Boxall Data
Through these measures, Safe Start School will ensure that all pupils receive a high-quality and meaningful education that prepares them for future success and fosters a lifelong passion for learning. Pupils will have greater confidence, opportunities and a happy outlook for their future.