Our school goes beyond the classroom
Join Our School Family
We are a small independent special school for up to 38 pupils aged 11-16 years with class sizes which range between 1-5 pupils.
If parents would like to arrange a visit they can contact the school on admin@safestartschooltameside.com.
A senior member of staff will contact them with regards to organising a tour and a meeting. If you would prefer a home visit from one of our team, you just need to let us know.
Our staff can talk to carers regarding their child’s needs and what is on offer alongside additional communication that may be required with the local authority.
Additional visits can then be arranged.
If it appears from the initial inquiry from a local authority that a placement at Safe Start may be suitable for the prospective child, the following the procedure then takes place:
The prospective student will be invited to receive a tour and meet the staff and student and be introduced to their form tutor.
The student will share their wishes and feelings in order for support the process to be put into place ready for their first day.
The student will receive a bespoke induction timetable for the first 3 weeks of their journey at Safe Start alongside a provision map for parents and carers.
The student will complete the initial assessment whilst on their induction pathway to ensure the correct amount of support is supplied through the curriculum.
A 6-week carers meeting will take place to review and identify what has gone well and "even better if" areas.